坏人的英文单词怎么说(Evil Words Vocabulary for Bad People)

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If you ever find yourself writing a novel or screenplay about bad guys, or just want to expand your vocabulary of negative

Evil Words: Vocabulary for Bad People

If you ever find yourself writing a novel or screenplay about bad guys, or just want to expand your vocabulary of negative descriptors, this guide to evil words is for you.

Words for Physical Appearance

Part of portraying a bad person is often describing their physical appearance in a way that instantly conveys their malevolence. Here are some choice words to achieve just that:

  • Repulsive: offensive to the senses; disgusting
  • Hideous: ugly; revolting in appearance
  • Monstrous: having a frightening or evil appearance
  • Grotesque: absurdly distorted; unnatural in shape or size
  • Malevolent: having or showing a wish to do evil to others

Words for Personality Traits

Of course, a villain's appearance is only part of the package. Their unpleasant personality deserves its own set of descriptors. Here are some words to help paint your bad guy as the ultimate antagonist:

  • Sadistic: deriving pleasure from inflicting pain or suffering on others
  • Cruel: causing pain or suffering to others without remorse
  • Malicious: intending to do harm to others
  • Deceitful: dishonest; intending to deceive others
  • Manipulative: controlling others through tricky or dishonest means

Words for Actions and Behaviors

Finally, here are some words to describe the often despicable and immoral actions of a bad guy:

  • Heinous: shockingly evil or wicked
  • Iniquitous: grossly unfair and morally wrong
  • Vicious: intentionally cruel or violent
  • Maleficent: causing harm or destruction; having an evil influence
  • Treachery: betrayal of trust; deceitful or disloyal behavior

Of course, these are just a starting point when it comes to describing bad people, and context is everything. But hopefully this guide to evil words has given you some inspiration and ideas for fleshing out your own unscrupulous characters.