纺织品英语缩写(Textile Abbreviations)

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最佳答案Textile Abbreviations
Textile industry is complex and diverse with numerous specialized areas and processes. There are many technical terms and abb

Textile Abbreviations


Textile industry is complex and diverse with numerous specialized areas and processes. There are many technical terms and abbreviations used in this industry which can be confusing for non-experts. In this article, we will discuss some of the most commonly used textile abbreviations.

Fiber Abbreviations

The fiber is the main component of any textile product. There are many different types of fibers such as natural fibers (cotton, wool, silk, etc.) and synthetic fibers (polyester, nylon, rayon, etc.). Here are some commonly used fiber abbreviations:

  • COT: cotton
  • WLN: wool
  • SN: silk
  • PES: polyester
  • NYL: nylon
  • RY: rayon

Fabric Abbreviations

The fabric is made from fibers by various weaving or knitting techniques. There are numerous types of fabrics used in textile production, each with their own properties and uses. Here are some commonly used fabric abbreviations:

  • KN: knit
  • WOV: woven
  • SAT: satin
  • CHF: chiffon
  • TWL: twill
  • VEL: velvet
  • DN: denim
  • LWN: lawn

Process Abbreviations

Textile production involves various processes such as spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing, and finishing. Each process has its own technical terminology and abbreviations. Here are some commonly used process abbreviations:

  • SPN: spinning
  • WVN: weaving
  • KNIT: knitting
  • DYE: dyeing
  • PRT: printing
  • FM: finishing
  • SGR: scouring
  • BLE: bleaching


Understanding the abbreviations used in the textile industry is essential for communication and product understanding. The abbreviations discussed in this article are just a small part of the vast terminology used in this industry, but they represent some of the most commonly used terms and will help in navigating the world of textiles.