日常任务英文翻译(Everyday Tasks How to Talk About Daily Chores in English)

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Whether you are working, studying, or a stay-at-home parent, there are always tasks to be

Everyday Tasks: How to Talk About Daily Chores in English


Whether you are working, studying, or a stay-at-home parent, there are always tasks to be done every day. These tasks can range from simple things like doing the dishes to more complex tasks like paying bills or organizing paperwork. Knowing how to talk about these tasks in English is essential for effective communication, so in this article, we will cover some useful vocabulary and phrases for discussing daily chores.

Vocabulary and Phrases

1. Cleaning and tidying

Keeping your living space clean and tidy is an important part of daily life. Here are some useful vocabulary and phrases for discussing cleaning and tidying:

  • Clean (verb) - to remove dirt, dust, or any unwanted substances from a surface or object. E.g., \"I need to clean the kitchen before our guests arrive.\"
  • Tidy (verb) - to make something neat and organized. E.g., \"Please tidy your room before you go outside to play.\"
  • Dust (verb) - to remove the fine powder that gathers on surfaces over time. E.g., \"I always forget to dust the bookshelf.\"
  • Sweep (verb) - to clean a floor or outdoor area with a broom. E.g., \"Can you sweep the porch for me, please?\"
  • Vacuum (verb) - to clean a carpet or other floor surfaces using a vacuum cleaner. E.g., \"I vacuum the living room twice a week.\"
  • Declutter (verb) - to remove unnecessary items from a space or room. E.g., \"I need to declutter my closet and get rid of some clothes I no longer wear.\"
  • Organize (verb) - to arrange items in a particular order. E.g., \"I spent the whole weekend organizing my bookshelf.\"
  • Spotless (adjective) - completely clean and free of dirt or stains. E.g., \"The kitchen was spotless after I finished cleaning.\"

2. Cooking and meal planning

Cooking and meal planning are important tasks for those who prepare their own meals. Here are some useful vocabulary and phrases to discuss these tasks:

  • Cook (verb) - to prepare food by heating it. E.g., \"I'm going to cook dinner tonight.\"
  • Recipe (noun) - a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish. E.g., \"I found a great recipe for lasagna online.\"
  • Meal prep (noun) - the planning and preparation of meals in advance. E.g., \"I do my meal prep on Sunday so that I have healthy meals ready for the week.\"
  • Grocery shopping (noun) - the act of buying food and other household items from a store. E.g., \"I need to go grocery shopping for the week.\"
  • Ingredients (noun) - the parts or items needed to make a recipe. E.g., \"I have all the ingredients for the cake except for eggs.\"
  • Boil (verb) - to heat a liquid until it reaches its boiling point. E.g., \"First, you need to boil the water for the noodles.\"
  • Bake (verb) - to cook food in an oven. E.g., \"I always bake cookies for the holidays.\"
  • Cut (verb) - to slice or chop food into smaller pieces. E.g., \"Can you help me cut the vegetables for the soup?\"

3. Time management and productivity

Managing time effectively and being productive are important aspects of daily life, whether you are studying, working, or taking care of your home and family. Here are some useful vocabulary and phrases to discuss time management and productivity:

  • Productivity (noun) - the measure of how much work or output is produced in a given amount of time. E.g., \"I need to improve my productivity at work.\"
  • Deadline (noun) - a time or date by which something must be finished. E.g., \"The deadline for the project is next Friday.\"
  • Procrastination (noun) - the act of delaying or putting off tasks. E.g., \"I have a bad habit of procrastination.\"
  • Task list (noun) - a list of tasks that need to be completed. E.g., \"I always make a task list for the day.\"
  • Prioritize (verb) - to determine the order in which tasks should be done based on their importance. E.g., \"I need to prioritize my work so that I can meet my deadline.\"
  • Efficient (adjective) - doing something in a way that saves time and is effective. E.g., \"I need to find a more efficient way to organize my paperwork.\"
  • Time management (noun) - the practice of using time effectively and efficiently. E.g., \"Time management is important for achieving your goals.\"
  • Task (noun) - a job or duty that needs to be done. E.g., \"I have a few tasks to finish before I can go to bed.\"


Effective communication about everyday tasks is important for a smooth daily routine. With the above vocabulary and phrases, you can confidently talk about cleaning, cooking, time management, and more, in English.