愚公移山翻译简短100字英文(The Legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains)

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最佳答案The Legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains
The Background of the Story
The Legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains is a well-known Chinese myth that has been passed down

The Legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains

The Background of the Story

The Legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains is a well-known Chinese myth that has been passed down through generations. The story is believed to originate from the Warring States Period, over 2,000 years ago. The tale begins with an old man named Yu Gong, who lived at the foot of two massive mountains that obstructed his path. One day, he decided to move them, so that future generations would no longer suffer the same fate.

The Storyline

Yu Gong's family and neighbors tried to dissuade him from his seemingly impossible feat, but he was determined. He said: \"When I die, my descendants can continue to move it. If they do not, their descendants will do so, till the work is completed.\" Yu Gong's story soon spread, and eventually, the gods were moved by his determination and sent two immortals, who turned themselves into human beings and helped Yu Gong to move the mountains.

The Moral of the Story

The Legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains is a tale of hope, determination, and tenacity. It teaches us that we should never give up, no matter how impossible our dreams may seem. It shows that anything is achievable through persistence and hard work. The tale has been passed down through Chinese culture as an inspiration to people from all walks of life. It has been made into countless books, films, and even operas. The legend of Yu Gong Moving Mountains will continue to inspire generations to come.