
天龙生活圈 13268次浏览


①fail vt/vi失败(反义词 succeed成功),未能(做到)

My attempt to find a solution has f v

①fail vt/vi失败(反义词 succeed成功),未能(做到)

My attempt to find a solution has failed.我想找到解决办法的尝试失败了。

fail in sth未能(做到某事)

He failed in his attempt to persuade her.他没能说服她。

fail to do sth未能(做到某事)

He failed to get into the college last year.他去年没能考上大学。

②fail vt/vi不及格,没有通过考试(反义词pass通过)

He failed his driving test.他没有通过驾驶考试。

He failed a drugs test so he was disqualified.他没有通过药检,因此被取消资格。

③fail vi出故障,失灵

He saw a terrible accident in which a tram’s brakes failed.他目睹了一起电车刹车失灵的可怕事故。(人教版第8册)

④fail vi(视力,体力,健康状况等)减弱,衰退(常用于进行时)

Her eyesight is failing.她的视力正在衰退。

⑤fail vt使失望,(同义词let down)有负于,无能为力

We need his help, but he failed us at a crucial time.我们需要他的帮助,但他在关键时刻辜负了我们。

He tried to be brave, but his courage failed him.他试图勇敢起来,但他没有勇气。

Words failed me when I heard the news.听到这个消息,我说不出话来。

⑥fail vi缺乏,不足

The rivers were dry because the rains had failed last year.河水干涸,因为去年雨水不足。

2.failure n


Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

We should have a discussion about the reason for the failure.我们应该讨论一下失败的原因。


The art show was far from being a failure; it was a great success.这场艺术展一点也不失败;这是一个巨大的成功。(2009天津卷)


The cause of the accident was engine failure.事故的原因是发动机故障。


Failure to obey the test rules will lead to being driven out of the exam room. 不遵守考试规则的考生将被赶出考场。