
天龙生活圈 52496次浏览

Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量

Meaning(解释): The more someone knows, the more equipped that person is. 一个人知道得越多,这个人就越有能力。


Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量

Meaning(解释): The more someone knows, the more equipped that person is. 一个人知道得越多,这个人就越有能力。

在这里了,我们可以重点注意一下, the more ..., the more ... 这个句式,它的意思是,越...;就越....。这个句子需要部分倒装句子。

举个例子,如果我们想说说,女孩子越漂亮,就越受欢迎。 写成 A girl is the more beautiful, she is the more popular. 是错误的,应该写成:The more beautiful a girl is, the more popular she is.

eg. (例句):Knowledge is power. If you know something about the past, it may help you to anticipate the future. 知识就是力量。如果你了解历史,你便可以预测未来。


Know something about ... 知道一些事情,关于...的。 接上后面 the past , 我们就可以知道的是,了解一些关于过去的事情。the past 隐含一个知识点, the + adj.(形容词) 表示具有共有特征的一类人或事物,像:the young 年轻人; the future 未来; the rich 富人等;你们还知道有哪些例子吗?

  • Anticipate the future 预测未来
  • help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事
  • If 引导条件状语从句
  • know something about ... 了解关于....的一些事

Learn the ropes 摸到门道;掌握诀窍

meaning: To learn or understand the basic details of how to do or perform a job, task, or activity. 学习或者理解如何做一件事,执行一个任务,组织一个活动的基本细节


  • the basic details 基本细节
  • the basic facts 基本情况
  • perform a job 完成工作
  • perform a task 执行任务
  • do an activity 组织活动

eg. We have a few high-priority projects we need to get done now, so you'll need to learn the ropes on your own. 我们有一些重要的项目需要去做,所以你需要自己学习摸索这么做这件事。

这个句子的前半部分是一个省略了 which/that 引导的定语从句, projects (which/that) we need to get done now,用以修饰 projects。


  • get sth done 完成某事
  • on sb's own = by oneself 独自
  • high-priority 高优先级的
  • top/first priority 首位
  • give priority to sth 优先考虑...
  • have priority over sth 优先于...

Can't make heads or tails of sth 不明白,搞不懂 ...

meaning: Failed to understand or confused about something 不理解某些事情

Fail to do sth 没有做成某事,做某事失败了 的意思,在这个时候,我们要想一想,它的反面怎么说: succeed in (doing) sth 成功做某事。fail to understand, 想要理解,却没有做到,也就是 不理解。

在后面有一个 confuse about sth 对...感到困惑 , 也可以写成 be confused about sth

eg. I've been working with the new software for hours, but I still can't make heads or tails of it. 我已经研究这个新软件好几个小时了,但是我还是不明白,搞不懂它。

Have been doing sth = have done + be doing 现在完成进行时 ,表示过去的某个时段内,一直持续做某件事。 这里是 I've been working with the new software for hours,在过去的数个小时里,我一直在研究这个新软件。


  • make heads or tails of sth 弄清楚
  • try to make heads or tails of sth 尝试弄清楚

Burning the midnight oil = put an all-nighter 熬夜

meaning: Used by students to indicate late night / all night studies 学生用来表示自己学习到很晚或者学习一整夜

eg. I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter if I get this term paper done in time for school tomorrow. 如果我要明天按时交学校的学期论文,那就只能熬夜学习了。

If 引导的条件状语从句,遵循“ 主将从现 ” 原则。 be going to do sth 一般将来来时。


  • get sth done in time 按时完成某事
  • term paper 学期论文
  • have to do sth 不得不做某事

Know something backwards or forwards 对某事了如指掌

meaning: To be an expert or intimately familar with something 对于某件事是专家或者深刻了解某件事

sb be familar with sth = sth be familar to sb 对...很熟悉

eg. I've read this book so many times, I know it backwards . 这本书我已经看了很多遍,我对它了如指掌。

Under one's belt 已经拥有了

meaning: Safely or satisfactorily achieved, experienced, or acquired 已经拥有

eg. He now has almost a year as minister under his belt.到现在为止,他做部长已经有了差不多一年了。

  • have sth under sb's belt == a person with sth under one's bellt

Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮

meaning: Two people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person working alone. 两个人一起工作比一个人单独做有更高的机会可以解决问题。

  • work together 一起工作
  • have a chance of doing sth 有机会做某事
  • solve a problem 解决问题
  • work alone 单独工作

eg. Come over here and help me balance my check book. Two heads are better than one . 过来,帮我结平一下我的支票, 人多智广

  • come over here 过来
  • help sb do sth 帮某人做某事
  • check book 支票簿

Pick sb's brain 向某人讨教

meaning: To obtain ideas or information from someone 从某人那里获得想法或者信息

e.g. You should pick John's brain sometime; he knows all about car engines.有时候,你应该向John多讨教,他了解关于汽车引擎的所有信息。

Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同

meaning: Used when they have the same idea as someone else, to show that they are both clever. 当他们跟其他人持有相同的想法时,人们就会用这句话,去显示大家两方都非常聪明。

e.g. I hear you have Emma the same present as me --- great minds think alike! 我听说你送给Emma的礼物 我送得 一模一样 ,真是英雄所见略同啊。