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Watching FIFA World Cup


Mom: Do you want to



Watching FIFA World Cup


Mom: Do you want to sleep with Mommy tonight?
妈妈:今天晚上你想 妈妈 吗?

Child: Sure, but why are you asking?

Mom: Your dad is going to stay up late to watch FIFA World Cup.
妈妈:你爸爸要 熬夜 看世界杯。

Child: What is FIFA World Cup ?
宝宝:什么是 世界杯 啊?

Mom: It's the most important international football competition that takes place every four years.
妈妈:它是最重要的 国际足球比赛 ,四年一次。

Child: I want to watch it, too.

Mom: Okay. We have a five-hour time difference from Qatar, the host country of the 2022 FIFA World Cup,
妈妈:好的。我们和2022年世界杯的 主办国 卡塔尔有5个小时 时差

so there are still some earlier games available to watch.
所以还是有一些时间比较早的比赛 可以 看。

Go ahead and join your daddy.

☀ Child and Dad watching football game together 宝宝和爸爸一起看球
Child: Dad, what are the rules of the game?
宝宝:爸爸,比赛 规则 是什么呀?

Dad: Look, there are two teams on the field , one in a dark jersey and the other in a light jersey.
爸爸:你看, 上有两支球队,一队穿深色 球衣 ,另一队穿浅色球衣。


And each team has 11 players .

每支球队有11名 队员

Child: How about the one in black?
宝宝: 穿 黑色 衣服 的呢?

Dad: He's the referee .
宝宝:他是 裁判

Players pass the ball to their teammates and try to score goals by kicking or heading the ball into the opponent's goal.
球员们 传给 自己的队友,并努力把球 踢到 或者 顶到 对方的球门里来 得分

They may not touch the ball with their hands except for the goalkeeper .
除了 守门员 ,其他人都不能用手碰球。

Child: I've played that game before.
宝宝:我 玩过 这个 游戏

I am a good forward and scored a lot of goals.
我是个很棒的 前锋 ,进过很多球呢。

Dad: Great!

Child: The commentator keeps saying the word " offside ."
宝宝: 解说 老说“ 越位 ”这个词。

What does it mean ?
是什么 意思 啊?

Dad: It means the attacking player is nearer to the goal than a defending player when the ball is passed to him.
爸爸:意思就是 进攻球员 在接到队友传球的时候比 防守球员 离球门近。


Child: Oh, okay.

That guy fell and the guy who tripped him got a card.
这个人 了, 绊倒 的人得到了一张卡片。

Dad: Yes, red cards and yellow cards are given to players who break the rules .
爸爸:是的, 红牌 黄牌 是给 犯规 的球员的。

Child: I'll make some cards next time when we play football
宝宝:下次我们踢球的时候我也 卡片

so that Xuan Xuan won't push me anymore.
这样轩轩就不 我了。

☀ After watching a portion of the game 看了一段时间比赛后
Child: Goal ! 1:0, yay!
宝宝: 球进了 !1:0,耶!

Dad: Are you for that team?
爸爸:你是 支持 这支球队吗?

Child: Not really , I just like seeing goals.
宝宝: 不是 ,我就是喜欢看进球。

Dad: Me too. Do you enjoy watching a football game?
爸爸:我也是。你 觉得 看球 有意思 吗?

Child: Yes, very much!

Dad: Good. Now, we are in the group stage .
爸爸:很好。现在我们在 小组赛阶段

There are 32 teams in 8 groups .
一共有32支 球队 ,分成8


After three matches , two teams in each group with the most points advance to the tournament stage .
比完三 以后,每个小组得分最高的两支球队进入 淘汰赛阶段

The team earns three points for a win , one point for a draw , and none for a loss .
每支球队 一场比赛积3分, 平局 积1分, 了积零分。


Why don't we take this opportunity to do some math?
我们 趁这个机会 做点数学吧。

What's the least number of points a team needs to have a chance to advance to the next round ?
一支队 最低 拿多少分有可能 出线

Child: Dad, could you put math Olympiad aside for a moment?
宝宝:爸爸,你能不能先把 奥数 放一放?

It's the World Cup football watching season .
现在是世界杯 看球季



