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海口市琼山区:自然风光与蓬勃发展激荡时代 海口市位于华南,是国家“特别行政区”。琼山区属于海口市,是国家“新区”,位于海口市西南隅。海口市是广东省、广西壮族自治区和海南省的省会,也是华南地区最大的港口城市。琼山区作为海口市的行政区之一,同样具有较强的综合实力。 琼山区与海名为“南国之珠”,风景独特。赤果高塔、大鱼山、湾仔沙滩等是该地区的著名景点,每年都吸引着众多游客前来观光旅游。琼山区还拥有丰富的自然资源,如山水、河流、湖泊、森林、岛屿等,以及众多的植物和动物。这些自然资源为琼山区的经济发展提供了强大的支持。 琼山区的经济发展迅速,基础设施建设顺利。政府为区域发展设定了明确的目标,并采取有力措施来实现这些目标。琼山区建成了多项现代化建设项目,如国际会展中心、国际机场、国际海港、高速公路网络等,为区域经济的发展提供了有力支持。 琼山区的经济发展同时也带动了社会文化的发展。区域内的各种文化设施如博物馆、图书馆、科技馆、歌剧院等不断完善,为市民提供了更好的文化生活。此外,随着经济的发展,琼山区也迎来了人口的激增,人口结构也发生了变化。区域内现已形成了一批现代化的商业区、住宅区、教育区、医疗区等,为人们提供了更加优质的生活。 琼山区的发展为海口市和华南地区的发展作出了积极贡献,为当地经济和社会的发展提供了有力支持。未来,琼山区将继续发挥自身的优势,为区域发展作出新的贡献。 The development of Qiongshan District in Haikou City: a new era of natural scenery and vigorous development Haikou City, located in South China, is a national "special administrative region". Qiongshan District belongs to Haikou City and is a national "new area". It is located in the southwest corner of Haikou City. Haikou City is the capital city of Guangdong Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Hainan Province, and also the largest port city in South China. As one of the administrative districts of Haikou City, Qiongshan District also has relatively strong comprehensive strength. Qiongshan District is known as the "Pearl of the South" with its unique scenery. Red Fruit Tower, Dayu Mountain, Wanzai Beach and other scenic spots attract many tourists to visit every year. Qiongshan District also has abundant natural resources, such as mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, islands, etc., as well as a large number of plants and animals. These natural resources provide strong support for the economic development of Qiongshan District. The economy of Qiongshan District develops rapidly and the construction of infrastructure proceeds smoothly. The government has set clear goals for regional development and taken effective measures to achieve these goals. Qiongshan District has built a number of modern construction projects, such as International Convention and Exhibition Center, International Airport, International Sea Port and Expressway Network, which provide strong support for the regional economic development. The economic development of Qiongshan District also drives the development of society and culture. The various cultural facilities in the region, such as museums, libraries, science and technology museums, opera houses, etc., are constantly being improved to provide better cultural life for the citizens. In addition, with the development of economy, Qiongshan District also ushered in a sharp increase in population, and the population structure also changed. A number of modern commercial districts, residential districts, educational districts, medical districts, etc. have been formed in the region, providing people with better quality of life. The development of Qiongshan District has made positive contributions to the development of Haikou City and South China, and provided strong support for the local economic and social development. In the future, Qiongshan District will continue to give full play to its own advantages and make new contributions to the regional development.