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最佳答案The ancient history of Shazhen: an immortal legend


The ancient history of Shazhen: an immortal legend 沙镇位于我国浙江省温州市,与周边的城镇相比,沙镇的古老历史并不显眼。然而,这并不意味着沙镇没有自己的故事。相反,这座小镇有着悠久而不朽的传说。 Shazhen is located in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. Compared with the surrounding towns, Shazhen's ancient history is not eye-catching. However, this does not mean that Shazhen has no story of its own. On the contrary, this town has a long and immortal legend. 据说,很久很久以前,沙镇便有人居住。当时的人们以捕鱼和收集海藻为生,生活艰苦却很朴素。直到有一天,一位神秘的外星人坠落到了沙镇。他身上穿着奇怪的衣服,头上戴着奇怪的帽子,手持着一把神秘的武器。外星人看起来很可怕,但他对人类充满了好奇。 It is said that a long time ago, Shazhen was inhabited. At that time, people lived by fishing and collecting seaweed. Life was difficult but simple. Until one day, a mysterious alien fell to Shazhen. He was wearing strange clothes, strange hats and holding a mysterious weapon. The alien looks scary, but he is full of curiosity about human beings. 外星人与当地人交谈了很长时间,并且逐渐了解了人类的生活方式。外星人很感兴趣,并决定与人类和平共处。因此, human和外星人开始了一段艰苦而又美好的生活。外星人分享了他的科学知识,帮助人类发展科技,提高生活水平。人类也将他们的朴素生活方式传播给了外星人。 The alien talked with the local people for a long time, and gradually understood the human way of life. The alien was interested and decided to live in peace with the human race. Therefore, humans and aliens began a difficult but beautiful life. The alien shared his scientific knowledge and helped human beings develop science and technology to improve their living standards. Human beings also spread their simple life style to aliens. 由于人类和外星人的友好相处,沙镇也逐渐变得繁荣起来。沙镇的人民开始了一种全新的生活方式,他们开始了更加科学的农业生产,并开始利用外星人的科技进行工业生产。沙镇的人民开始了更加美好的生活。 With the friendly coexistence of human beings and aliens, Shazhen has also become prosperous gradually. The people of Shazhen began a new way of life. They started more scientific agricultural production and began to use alien technology for industrial production. The people of Shazhen began a better life. 然而,就在沙镇人民过上了美好生活的同时,外星人也开始了自己的“回家路”。他们告诉人类,他们有着自己的家园和家人,他们不得不离开人类了。人类很不舍得,但他们知道,外星人有自己的家和家人,他们不得不回家。 However, just as the people of Shazhen were enjoying a better life, the aliens also started their own "way home". They told the human beings that they had their own homes and families, and they had to leave the human beings. The human beings were reluctant, but they knew that the aliens had their own homes and families, and they had to go home. 外星人离开之后,沙镇依然繁荣昌盛。人们积极利用外星人留下的科技,继续发展科学和工业,使沙镇逐渐成为繁荣的城镇。人们也传承了外星人的和平与友好,沙镇成为了和平与友谊的象征。 After the aliens left, Shazhen still thrived. People actively use the technology left by aliens to continue to develop science and industry, so that Shazhen gradually becomes a prosperous town. People also inherit the peace and friendship of aliens. Shazhen has become a symbol of peace and friendship.